For Patients

Dear valued patient,

dietitian services cairnsAs an Accredited Practising Dietitian I would like to work with you to promote better dietary and healthy eating choices to improve your wellbeing. You may be suffering from a chronic disease or maybe you just want to drop a few kilos. Either way you will immediately benefit from a change in your eating habits and lifestyle. It is in this area that my expertise and experience can be of assistance.

I am passionate about family nutrition, obesity treatment and prevention in children and dietary treatment of food intolerances. I have established a practice where you can discuss your situation and dietary concerns. You can receive good customised advice, publications and specific material to help them make the right dietary decisions when food shopping. You can benefit from expert advice on the healthiest methods of cooking your food.

My practical and academic background and experience equips me perfectly for this service. I have worked extensively with chefs to modify recipes and develop healthy and cost effective menus. You can be assured of expert, responsible dietary advice based on qualified and years of experience.

You can talk to your GP about fee rebates through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) primary care items for a chronic health condition (such as type 2 diabetes). Some patients are eligible for bulk billing.

Most private health funds have levels of cover that give a fee rebate for visits to Accredited Practising Dietitians.

Medicare rebates are also available for people with type 2 diabetes attending sessions run by an Accredited Practicing Dietitian. Ask your GP if you think you would benefit from attending group sessions on nutrition and healthy cooking.

Finally, thank you for your time and please see the reception staff at the clinics or call for further advice on how your dietitian can support your healthcare.

Yours faithfully,



“How sweet coffee tastes! lovelier than a thousand kisses, sweeter than Muscatel wine!” Johann Sebastian Bach